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When it’s OK, to Say NO

There are wonderful (autism-trained) professionals out there, who will provide expertise and consider what you have to say too – those are the professionals who you should surround yourself with.

Helping Your Child Pursue Independence

Your child has immense capacity for absorbing information. But he doesn’t know how to use it or make sense of it. Sensory sensitivities make things even more difficult. But I have good news for you. You can connect the dots for your child. You can help him make sense of the world. You, the parent, have an important role to play.

Episodic Memory Part 3

We can help our children become on-line problem solvers by including them in our own problem solving opportunities day-to-day, when there is no crisis around events that are not emotionally charged.

Episodic Memory Part 2

We try so hard to get information from autistic children. Sometimes we get it, sometimes we don’t, and even when we do get an answer to our question, we are not getting at what we truly want to know. Don’t we instead want to know how the child felt throughout the day? What made the child smile or laugh? About connections the child shared with their friends? We want more than a one word answer, but don’t know how to get it. One thing is clear though: imperative questions and statements do not get at the heart of what we all use memories to do: share who we are!

Episodic Memory Part 1

Memory is important for everyone in terms of learning, growing and managing more complex social and emotional situations in life.

We use our memories to build and strengthen relationships, to reflect on what we’ve done in order to make plans for the future, and to problem solve based on past experiences.

If we didn’t have memories to draw from, we would hardly move forward in life. Developing meaningful memories is a critical skill for all people including children with autism.

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