Register for a Live Webinar for Autism Professionals

Learn more about Autism and the RDI® Model with these live webinar series for professionals working with autistic individuals (of all ages).

Please browse the topics below and register for one (or all four!)

Webinar Topics

Working with Parents – Practical ways that an RDI® Consultant interacts and works with parents so that you can get a glimpse of what is means to execute an RDI® program with families!

Developing the Growth Mindset – Going beyond behavior training. Why incentives only work short term. How can we teach intrinsic motivation in small amounts of time (especially good for teachers, therapists, etc that are only with the kids for an hour or so at a time)  

Looking at the evidence – an evidence-based discussion on why most behavioral treatments for autism are not working, and how RDI® combats the problem.

How RDI® generalizes into real life.

Register for a Webinar


Choose Webinar and Date

In the dropdowns, you will find a list of each date the topic is being offered.
Practical ways that an RDI® Consultant interacts and works with parents so that you can get a glimpse of what is means to execute an RDI® program with families!
Going beyond behavior training. Why incentives only work short term. How can we teach intrinsic motivation in small amounts of time (for teachers, therapists, etc that are only with the kids for an hour or so at a time)
An evidence-based discussion on why most behavioral treatments for autism are not working, and how RDI® combats the problem.
How RDI® generalizes into real life.

All webinars are presented by RDIconnect® co-founder Dr. Rachelle Sheely.

Webinars are held Tuesday at 12PM and Thursday at 6PM each week. Four topics are covered, each one will be given two times so you can pick the time best for you!

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