Autism: A New Perspective Podcast
An RDIconnect® PublicationAt the heart of what we do is an unwavering belief that growth is possible in the life of individuals on the autism spectrum. This foundational belief comes from the latest autism research and our experience with thousands of cases where the child’s growth-seeking drive has been activated, making a way for the crucial parent-child Guiding Relationship to form and for Dynamic Intelligence to develop.
Autism: A New Perspective is available on iTunes!
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Autism and Siblings

In this episode of Autism: A New Perspective, host Katherine Lee talks with Dr. Rachelle Sheely about autism, siblings and RDI®.
RDI: An Interview With a Former Student

In this episode of Autism: A New Perspective, host Katherine Lee brings in a former RDI® student who is now in her 30s. Alysia Elliot and her mom Sharon Sargeant talk about Alysia’s life with autism, before RDI® and how starting an RDI® program changed everything.
Autism, Adults & RDI®

Starting an RDI® Program as an Adult

In this week’s podcast, Dr. Sheely talks about the RDI® program for adults. When is it appropriate? Who is an ideal candidate? And how can it help?
Removing Behavior from the Equation and Focusing on Relationship in Autism Remediation

Autistic Teens and Masking

Dr. Sarah Wayland talks about autism and masking, specifically for teens or young adults in this episode of the RDIconnect® podcast, Autism: A new Perspective.
The History of RDI®

The beginnings of the Relationship Development Intervention (RDI®) program happened around 30 years ago, when Dr. Steven Gutstein and Dr. Rachelle Sheely began to ask some questions about autism, like “Why do intelligent, capable adults on the spectrum struggle to maintain independence? What is it about autism that sets people up to not be independent?”
Implementing RDI® in High School

In this episode of “Autism: A New Perspective,” Kat is joined by Betty Adkins, M.S., an RDI® Certified Consultant, RDI® parent, and developer of the RDI® Teacher Institute, to talk about RDI® and high school.
Autism and Parent Empowerment with RDI® – Part II

In part two of ‘Autism and Parent Empowerment with RDI®,’ Lisa and Kat talk about each of the ‘Three E’s of Empowerment’ and why they’re important, as well as their own personal experiences as RDI® parents and how RDI® empowered them to take control of their children’s growth, learning and futures.
Autism and Parent Empowerment with RDI®

In this episode of “Autism: A New Perspective,” Dr. Sheely talks about RDI® and parent empowerment. So many parents of autistic children find that they don’t know what’s going on with their child’s learning and growth – they don’t know what’s happening at the clinics or at school – and they don’t know the next step, or how they can help, and it leaves them feeling powerless.