RDI® Certified Program Consultants
Find a Consultant
Below is a list of professionals who have attained the status of Certified Consultant in the Family Consultation Program and consultants who are currently in training. These professionals come from a variety of backgrounds and specialties and act as facilitator and primary guide to parents as they navigate the program and identify and overcome obstacles. RDI® consultants complete a rigorous training program and currently available in 31 countries worldwide.
Alissa Gargano
RDI Certified Consultant, Certified Practicing Speech Pathologist
Email: alissa.developingmindsspeech@gmail.com
Phone: +61451197411
Areas Serviced: Sydney
Anh P D Tran
RDI Certified Consultant, BCom; BB Lit&Jour
Email: rdimelbourne14@gmail.com
Phone: 61432190651
Areas Serviced: Melbourne, Victoria
Fleta Pohlner
RDI Certified Consultant, SLP, BS.
Email: fletapohlner@bigpond.com
Phone: 1161353974214
Areas Serviced: Victoria Australia and South Australia
Jo Fokkes
RDI Certified Consultant, Certified Practicing Speech Pathologist
Email: jofokkes@email.com
Phone: 0419 775 558
Areas Serviced: Throughout Australia & overseas by arrangement
Nerida Maclean
RDI Certified Consultant, SLP, CPSP
Email: n.maclean1@optusnet.com.au
Phone: 61 407175209
Areas Serviced: Office or home visiting service available to families in Brisbane within a half hour travel time. Distance consulting available for families further afield (other states in Australia or other countries).
Renee Dela Cruz
RDI Certified Consultant, Registered Psychologist
Email: rdimelbourne@bigpond.com
Phone: 1300 737 124
Areas Serviced: Cities/areas: Metro Melbourne, South East Melbourne and Regional Victoria (Gippsland and Bass Coast regions, Bendigo to Macedon regions). State: Victoria Country: Australia; International outreach services: Vietnam and Philippines
Roslyn Thorpe
RDI Certified Consultant, BAppSc Occupational Therapy
Email: roslynthorpeOT@outlook.com
Phone: 0437 198 899
Areas Serviced: Northwest suburbs of Sydney: Roseville, Linfield, Pymple, Chatswood, Gordon, Turramurra, Forestville, Belrose, Ryde, Hunters Hill, Gladesville, Northbridge, Castle cove, Mosman, Cremorne, Artarmon, Eastwood, Epping, Mcquarie Park
Tania Masciantonio
RDI Certified Consultant
Email: tania.masciantonio@me.com
Phone: 403881863
Areas Serviced: South Australia and Northern Territory
Nargis Carnahan
RDI Certified Consultant
Email: nargiscarnahan@gmail.com
Phone: +61 431 709 376
Areas Serviced: Canberra ACT
Tammie Lenert
RDI Certified Consultant, OTR
Email: lenertt@mgmaz.org
Phone: +994503192728
Areas Serviced: Azerbaijan and Surrounding region
Blair Armstrong
RDI Certified Consultant, BSc, PhD Student (ABD), Residential Care Management (RCM) Certified
Email: blair@curiousmindsbc.com
Phone: 778 378 6463
Areas Serviced: Primary: Vancouver Lower Mainland, Bowen Island; Distance Canada: BC- Vancouver Island, Sunshine Coast, Shuswap, Okanagan, Kootenays, Northern BC; Alberta- Edmonton/Calgary; Ontario- Sault Ste Marie and Algoma region, Kenora-Sioux Lookout
Distance USA: Washington State- Bellingham-Seattle, Oregon- Portland, Corvalis, Hawaii- Honolulu, Maui
Distance Internationally: United Kingdom, Netherlands, Spain, Portugal, France, Italy, Croatia, Hungary, South Africa, China, Vietnam, India, Latvia, Ukraine, Russia,
Claudia Ruiz Morante
RDI Certified Consultant
Email: claudiaruizmorante@hotmail.com
Phone: 4389924549
Areas Serviced: Quebec-Canada, Lima-Peru, Valencia-Spain.
Echo li li
RDI Certified Consultant
Email: echoliedm@gmail.com
Phone: 7806906687
Areas Serviced: Alberta, British Columbia, Online internationally
Francesca Dansereau
RDI Certified Consultant
Email: francesca.dansereau@mail.mcgill.ca
Phone: 514-244-0050
Areas Serviced: I service the province of Quebec. I also offer online services for those who live outside of the province.
Gabby C. Howes
RDI Certified Consultant
Email: alixconsulting@gmx.com
Phone: 2507171807
Areas Serviced: Kelowna, Okanagan Valley, British Columbia, Canada; available for working with clients long distance
Heide Emrich
RDI Certified Consultant
Email: emrichheide@gmail.com
Phone: 5192425586
Areas Serviced: Cambridge, Kitchener, Waterloo, Guelph and surrounding area, Ontario Canada
Justine Slewidge
RDI Certified Consultant
Email: jslewidge@kidsthrive.ca
Areas Serviced: Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario
Kally-Anna Clinton
RDI Certified Consultant, M.Sc. CCC-SLP (R)
Email: kclinton@rccinc.ca
Areas Serviced: Manitoba, Canada
Leah Burrell
RDI Certified Consultant
Email: Familyautismconsulting@gmail.com
Phone: 604-312-5442
Areas Serviced: Greater Vancouver/Fraser Valley/British Columbia
Lijuan Wang
RDI Certified Consultant
Email: wang.lijuanecho@gmail.com
Phone: 647-561-6816
Areas Serviced: Toronto, Canada (in person or online service); Other places via online service
Lisa Donaghy
RDI Certified Consultant, BSc
Email: guidingconnections@gmail.com
Phone: 604.313.2836
Areas Serviced: Greater Vancouver Area
Lisa Palasti, Director of RDI Professional Training in Canada
RDI Certified Consultant
Email: lisapalasti@gmail.com
Phone: 5195755323
Areas Serviced: Canada, USA, Europe
Lisa Runco
RDI Certified Consultant
Email: lrunco@kidsthrive.ca
Areas Serviced: Sault Ste Marie, Ontario and Algoma District
Michelle Badali
RDI Certified Consultant, B.C.a.B.A.
Email: michelle.badali01@gmail.com
Areas Serviced: Toronto and the GTA, Ontario, Canada and internationally via virtual
Monica van Schaik
RDI Certified Consultant, MSW Candidate, BA
Email: monica.van.schaik@gmail.com
Phone: 514-746-3959
Areas Serviced: Kitchener, Waterloo, Cambridge and Stratford, Ontario
Nancy Gilette
RDI Certified Consultant
Email: nancyg.consulting@gmail.com
Areas Serviced: I provide services to Comox Valley, Campbell River and North Island. I am available to provide services by distance to any family wanting services.
Qiu Xia Zhang
RDI Certified Consultant, MA
Email: qiuxiazhang2@gmail.com
Phone: 780-421-9452
Areas Serviced: Edmonton, Alberta and all provinces at a distance welcomed
Robin Metsos
RDI Certified Consultant, SCC
Email: robin@openarmsconsulting.org
Phone: 514-824-4394
Areas Serviced: Local to the Greater Montreal area – servicing North America virtually.
Robin Walker
RDI Certified Consultant, M.Sc., Reg. CASLPO, Speech-Language Pathologist
Email: robin@the-speech-path.com
Phone: 705-253-1157
Areas Serviced: Sault Ste. Marie & Algoma District
Rosanne Papadopoulos
RDI Certified Consultant, OT Reg. (MB)
Email: rosanne@discoveriesintherapy.com
Phone: 204-254-3146
Areas Serviced: Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
Stephannie Motuz
RDI Certified Consultant, SLP
Email: curiousrdislp@gmail.co
Phone: 204-292-1626
Areas Serviced: Manitoba
Tahnee Lam
RDI Certified Consultant, MA
Email: tahnee@newstepconsultation.com
Phone: 6047876221
Areas Serviced: Great Vancouver Area (British Columbia)
Tanya Kemp
RDI Certified Consultant, MA Psy, BSocSc
Email: tanya@tanyakemp.com
Phone: +1 778-859-5195
Areas Serviced: BC, Canada, South Africa
Verena von Bremen
RDI Certified Consultant, Registered Speech-Language Pathologist
Email: vvonbremen@telus.net
Phone: 250-540-0869
Areas Serviced: Vernon and the interior of British Columbia
Vicki Parnell
RDI Certified Consultant
Email: vicki@vlparnell.com
Phone: (604) 837-5430
Areas Serviced: Vancouver and BC Lower Mainland
Wendy Groiss
RDI Certified Consultant, M.A., M.ED, Registered Clinical Counsellor, Certified Teacher
Email: familyautismclinic@gmail.com
Phone: 250-470-3588
Areas Serviced: British Columbia, Alberta, United Kingdom, China
Consultants in Training
Stephanie Betsch
RDI Consultant in Training
Email: stephanie@ausomematch.com
Phone: 236-836-2824
Areas Serviced: Locally in Chilliwack. Supporting all families in British Columbia and beyond.
Michelle Baldwin
RDI Consultant in Training
Email: Swellrdi@gmail.com
Phone: 16048170785
Areas Serviced:Surrey, White Rock, Delta, Ladner, Richmond, Langley
RDI Certified Consultant
Email: david@counsellingplay-sh.com
Phone: 13917821627
Areas Serviced: 中国上海市曹杨路505号尚诚国际商务大厦502室,为上海肯圃格教育科技有限公司固定办公场所。为自闭症、亚斯博格等有社交障碍的孩子的家庭提供RDI咨询服务。地处上海普陀区内环,交通便利,地铁3号线、4号线、11号线的2号出口即可到达。欢迎深受社交障碍困扰的家庭前来咨询,RDI顾问会帮助你们,改善你们的家庭生活质量。
Email: 1059655866@qq.com
Phone: 15801676105
Areas Serviced: 北京市朝阳区。
Andrea Ng Siu Har 吳少霞女士
RDI Certified Consultant, M.Sc.(IT in Ed.), Play Therapist, PMP.
Email: andrea.ng.rdi.hk@gmail.com
Phone: (+86) 400-800-7718
Areas Serviced: China, Hong Kong & anywhere worldwide with Internet connection
Chun Jing Su 苏淳靖,康复治疗师,理学士,注册RDI顾问
RDI Certified Consultant, BS.
Email: 364999856@qq.com
Phone: (0086)13774289790
Areas Serviced: China
Dan Liu
RDI Certified Consultant
Email: jzliudan@163.com
Areas Serviced: Shanghai, Zhejiang, Jiangshu, China
RDI Certified Consultant
Email: fujiehaishui@163.com
Areas Serviced: Hunan Province, Jiangxi Province, Guangdong Province, Hubei Province, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, Guizhou Province, Chongqing Municipality
RDI Certified Consultant
Email: 80372303@qq.com
Phone: 0086 18720399966
Areas Serviced: CHINA
Jiaofan Song
RDI Certified Consultant
Email: sjfisabella@163.com
Phone: 86-159-9589-5981
Areas Serviced: Offline services in Chinese cities in Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Shanghai, including but not limited to Shanghai, Suzhou, Hangzhou. Online services in all cities and regions in China.
Juan Yang
RDI Certified Consultant
Email: fancyyj@163.com
Phone: 8615066470676
Areas Serviced: Liao Cheng, Ji Nan/Shan Dong/China
Kathleen Su Chunjing, 苏淳靖,RDI注册顾问,康复治疗师
RDI Certified Consultant, BS. Rehabilitation Therapist
Email: suchunjing@counsellingplay-sh.com
Phone: +8613774289790
Areas Serviced: China
Kenneth Chan
RDI Certified Consultant
Email: cpkennethchan@gmail.com
Areas Serviced: China
Liang Zebin
RDI Certified Consultant
Email: 1334797171@qq.com
Phone: 15963242632
Areas Serviced: Suzhou City.Jiangsu Province, Wuxi City.Jiangsu Province, Qingdao City.Shandong Province, Shanghai City
RDI Certified Consultant
Email: mkliu1230@gmail.com
Phone: 852-28805655
Areas Serviced: Hong Kong
Mingzhuo, Bi,RDI认证顾问
RDI Certified Consultant
Email: bimingzhuo@126.com
Phone: 15688882862
Areas Serviced: China
Na Li(Elena),李娜
RDI Certified Consultant
Email: elenali1130@163.com
Areas Serviced: China; 面向全中国提供RDI家庭咨询服务
RDI Certified Consultant
Email: 381050477@qq.com
Phone: +86 571 88085020 / +86 400 800 7718
Areas Serviced: 面向全中国提供RDI家庭咨询服务。目前已经服务的家庭所在区域为:浙江,上海,北京,南京,安徽,山东,山西,西安,四川,湖南,广东,海南,福建等。
Areas within China. Zhejiang, Shanghai, Beijing, Nanjing, Anhui, Shandong, Shanxi, Xian, Sichuang, Hunan, Guangdong, Hainan, Fujian.
Sheila He
RDI Certified Consultant
Email: sheila_he2010@163.com
Areas Serviced: China
Sophy Ge, Ge Feifei
RDI Certified Consultant
Email: gefeifei33@163.com
Areas Serviced: China
Xiangrui Dong
RDI Certified Consultant
Email: 68815215@qq.com
Areas Serviced: 中国
Learn More about Xiangrui Dong
Zhang Yuping
RDI Certified Consultant
Email: 281620822@qq.com
Phone: 86-18656752193
Areas Serviced: Hefei City, Anhui Province, China
Zhang Xinyi
RDI Certified Consultant
Email: 547014727@qq.com
Phone: 18913967767
Areas Serviced: China
Zheng Sijia
RDI Certified Consultant
Email: 229166454@qq.com
Phone: 18257870546
Areas Serviced: China
Consultants in Training
RDI Consultant in Training
Email: 369160404@qq.com
Phone: 0086-13858195168
Areas Serviced: Globalwide
María Fernanda Alonso
RDI Certified Consultant
Email: mafer_alonso@hotmail.com
Phone: 0056 9 845 95 903
Areas Serviced: Chile, México, and Latin America
Maria Londono
RDI Certified Consultant
Email: pilar@casazul.co
Phone: +57 316 7427205
Areas Serviced: Latin America, Spain, Spanish speaking families in any country
Shailaja Anjappa Venkatesh
RDI Certified Consultant
Email: shailaja.av@gmail.com
Phone: +4915171858387
Areas Serviced: Bangalore, Chennai, Hyderabad, Switzerland, Germany
Eleftheria Orfanaki
RDI Certified Consultant, Psychologist
Email: eleftheriaorfanaki@yahoo.gr
Phone: 6942920981
Areas Serviced: Greece, Cyprus
Fabiola Mejía
RDI Certified Consultant
Email: infoautismoguia@gmail.com
Areas Serviced: América Látina, España, Estados Unidos (Habla Hispana)
Hong Kong
Amy Liu
RDI Certified Consultant, MSocSc., OTI
Email: wn.liu.ot@heephong.org
Phone: 23425107
Areas Serviced: Hong Kong
Chong Kit Yu Rita
RDI Certified Consultant
Email: ritachong2728@gmail.com
Phone: (852) 28805655
Areas Serviced: Hong Kong, Macau, Mainland China, (Cantonese speakers)
Mo Lan Maureen Chung
RDI Certified Consultant, MSW
Email: chungmolan@counsellingplay.com.hk
Phone: 852-28805655 or 852-93229693
Areas Serviced: Hong Kong, Shanghai, China, Huizhou, China, Taiwan
Kata Boros
RDI Certified Consultant, M.A. Psychology
Email: boroskata1@gmail.com
Phone: 0036306774286
Areas Serviced: Hungary in person, International online
Anupam Gupta
RDI Certified Consultant
Email: connect2unblock@gmail.com
Phone: 9448051343
Areas Serviced: Across Globe (Excluding USA)Dr. Dhanashri Pawar
RDI Certified Consultant, MBBS, DPH
Email: drdhanashripawar@mirador.co.in
Phone: +919867095955
Areas Serviced: Mumbai ,Maharashtra ,INDIADipali Chauhan
RDI Certified Consultant, Counselling Psychologist, Diploma in school Counselling, E. C.C. E
Email: chauhandipali@gmail.com
Phone: 9673570118
Areas Serviced: IndiaHarsh Tharad
RDI Certified Consultant
Email: rdi.harsh@gmail.com
Phone: 9611823678
Areas Serviced: Bangalore, Delhi, Kochi, Mumbai, India, Dubai, United States of AmericaKamini Lakhani, Director of RDI Professional Training in India
RDI Certified Consultant, Behavior Specialist
Email: lakhani.kamini@gmail.com
Phone: 9967768682
Areas Serviced: Mumbai, Delhi, Bangalore, Kochi, India, Malaysia, United States of AmericaDr. Krishna Mahathi
RDI Certified Consultant, DNB(Peadiatrics);PGDDN
Email: bondingbeautifullyconsultancy@gmail.com
Phone: 7045304005
Areas Serviced: Navi Mumbai and Chennai,IndiaDr. Mary Kuttikadan
RDI Certified Consultant, Developmental Pediatrician
Phone: (+91) 91521 10283
Areas Serviced: In person in Mumbai and onlineLearn More About Dr. Kuttikadan
Michelle Fernandes
RDI Certified Consultant, Special Educator/Educational Therapist
Email: michk10@gmail.com
Areas Serviced: IndiaMini Gopinathan
RDI Certified Consultant
Email: minid.g@gmail.com
Phone: (+91) 9632150505
Areas Serviced: India (Mumbai, Delhi, Bangalore, Hyderabad)Dr. Mitali Vaidya
RDI Certified Consultant
Email: mitalivaidya@gmail.com
Phone: +919820802992
Areas Serviced: Thane, Mumbai in Mharashtra, IndiaDr. Nivrutha C.
RDI Certified Consultant
Email: cnivrutha@gmail.com
Phone: 9488621381
Areas Serviced: Chennai, IndiaRagini Rai
RDI Certified Consultant
Email: raginirai1628@gmail.com
Phone: 09811114587
Areas Serviced: Delhi, NCR, IndiaRashmi Sen
RDI Certified Consultant
Email: rashmidutta25@gmail.com
Phone: +919899890331
Areas Serviced: Delhi-NCR, Across India, Across Globe (except U.S.A)
Scherezade Tata – Irani
RDI Certified Consultant
Email: sherrytatairani@gmail.com
Phone: 0091-9820268730
Areas Serviced: India
Chyntia Poedjokerto
RDI Certified Consultant, MS.Ed
Email: chyntia.poedjokerto@gmail.com
Phone: +628161128112
Areas Serviced: Jakarta
Febri Sidjaja
RDI Certified Consultant, PhD.
Email: ffsidjaja@yahoo.com
Phone: +6287881367471
Areas Serviced: Home visit : Great Jakarta area, Online services : any areas with strong internet connection
Consultants in Training
Jamal Maerof Shareef
RDI Consultant in Training, D.C.H
Email: jamalmaerof@gmail.com
Phone: 7701520346
Areas Serviced: I can serve in North Iraq (Sulaimaniyah, Erbil and Duhok) as well as middle east countries except Iran plus south east asia.
Doron Zohar
RDI Certified Consultant
Email: doronzoharrdi@gmail.com
Phone: 050-5237224
Areas Serviced: Israel, Israel
Dr. Rita Giaquinta
RDI Certified Consultant
Email: info@ritagiaquinta.it
Phone: +39 347 4406624
Areas Serviced: Italy, Europe
Izumi Abe
RDI Certified Consultant, M.A.
Email: mmkodomo2@gmail.com
Phone: +8012681965
Areas Serviced: Yokohama, Osaka,Okinawa
Koji Shiraki
RDI Certified Consultant, CP
Email: kshiraki-connect@nifty.com
Phone: 052-875-5301
Areas Serviced: Mainly, Nagoya City, Aichi Pref. and Tokai area in Japan.
Sayuri Ara
RDI Certified Consultant, Certified public psychologist, Clinical psychologist, Pediatric nurse
Email: sallyaraara@gmail.com
Areas Serviced: Tokyo, Japan
Dr Ho Lai Jade
RDI Certified Consultant, MBBS(Malaya), MRCPCH (UK1,2a)
Email: laijade79@gmail.com
Phone: +600163665665/+600340319479
Areas Serviced: Malaysia and the surrounding countries (provided there is no RDI services in that particular country)
Jennifer Peters
RDI Certified Consultant, B.A.(Hons) (U.K.), Pg Dip (U.K.)
Email: carespeech@gmail.com
Phone: +60321616618
Areas Serviced: Service RDI families from anywhere
Melissa Ratkovich-Ong
RDI Certified Consultant, Hons.B.Arts and Sciences, Special Education/Elementary Teacher
Email: ratkovme@gmail.com
Phone: 6012-528-2572
Areas Serviced: The state of Selengor, Malaysia
Adriana Vázquez
RDI Certified Consultant
Email: adriana.vazgo@hotmail.com
Phone: 5516637006
Areas Serviced: México, Venezuela, Ecuador
Claudia Perez Andreessen, Director of the RDI Training Program in Latin America
RDI Certified Consultant, B.A., RDI Professional Trainer
Email: claudia@capaautismconsulting.com
Phone: 8325797780
Areas Serviced: Globally. USA, Mexico, central & south America, Europe (Spain, Switzerland, Italy, France) Texas-Houston Area-(Katy, Pearland, Woodlands, Sugar land, Cypress, etc)
Diego Reza
RDI Certified Consultant
Email: diego_rezzab@yahoo.com.mx
Phone: 52 5 41684745
Areas Serviced: Mexico, Chile, London
Karla Galvan Duque
RDI Certified Consultant
Email: karlagduque@aol.com
Phone: 52 3335991432
Areas Serviced: Mexico, South America, Spain
Psic. Alina Velasco Figueroa
RDI Certified Consultant
Email: alina_velasco@hotmail.com
Phone: 3315645906
Areas Serviced: Guadalajara/ Zapopan
Consultants in Training
Hugo Enrique Juárez López
RDI Consultant in Training
Email: autismoterapias@iipa.com.mx
Phone: 5521068875
Areas Serviced: Ciudad de México y Estado de México
New Zealand
Dan Liu
RDI® Certified Consultant
Email: jzliudan@myyahoo.com
Areas Serviced: Hamilton/WAIKATO/New Zealand
Dr. Shagufta Jabeen, MMBS, DCH
RDI® Certified Consultant
Email: Jabeen2122@gmail.com
Phone: +92 3224658907
Areas Serviced: In-person services in Islamabad. Online services anywhere in the world.
Maria Virginia Avila
RDI Certified Consultant
Email: infopgc.rdi@gmail.com
Phone: +50762402774
Areas Serviced: Panama, On line
Anna Ziegman
RDI Certified Consultant, M.A., Neuro Speech Pathologist
Email: aziegman@gmail.com
Phone: +48504366656
Areas Serviced: Poland and whole Europe
Maria Dąbrowska-Jędral
RDI Certified Consultant, M.D.
Email: info@mariajedral.pl
Areas Serviced: Poland, Europe
Julia Snezhko
RDI Certified Consultant, MS in Psychology
Email: jul.snezhko@gmail.com
Phone: +7-965-219-18-29
Areas Serviced: Moscow
Saudi Arabia
Najla Al-Hussaini
RDI Certified Consultant, B.D.S
Email: najla.rdi@gmail.com
Phone: +966557703112
Areas Serviced: Eastern Region
Bimal Rai
RDI Certified Consultant, RDI® Program Supervisor, Educational Psychologist, MA(Appl. Psych), BSc(Hons), BA(SocSci), DISE, Cert(CBT), MSPS Registered Psychologist (Singapore), Australian Psychological Society (International Affiliate)
Email: bimal@reachtherapy.com
Phone: (65) 9 858 7160
Areas Serviced: Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, Phillipines, Mongolia
Christina Purnama, PhD.
RDI Certified Consultant
Email: allaut.life@gmail.com
Phone: +65 90309324
Areas Serviced: Singapore, Indonesia, global online consultation
Genevieve Chua
RDI Certified Consultant, MA Pshycology
Email: genevieve@childrenspartnership.com.sg
Phone: 65 96425721
Areas Serviced: Singapore
Cindy Tan
RDI Certified Consultant, Early Intervention Teacher
Email: Cindyutomo22@gmail.com
Phone: +6590891993
Areas Serviced: Singapore
South Korea
Jia Song
RDI Consultant, M.Ed., Doctoral Candidate in Ed., Special Educator
Email: jsong.rdi.korea@gmail.com
Phone: +82(0)1077320157
Areas Serviced: South Korea
Natalia Sanchez de León
RDI Consultant
Email: crecercontigo.org@gmail.com
Phone: +34689210482
Areas Serviced: On-line, Spain, Europe
M. Sc. Elwira Wolgensinger
RDI Certified Consultant, Psychotherapist FSP
Email: elwira.wolgensinger@kind-autismus.ch
Phone: 044 736 50 77
Areas Serviced: Nach Absprache
Laura Ferraro
RDI Certified Consultant, Psychologin FSP
Email: laura.ferraro@psychologie.ch
Phone: +41798533667
Areas Serviced: Switzerland
Liao Su Chu
RDI Certified Consultant, Occupational Therapist
Email: ruru141010@gmail.com
Phone: 886 988759402
Areas Serviced: Taoyuan CITY
Pei Ling Tsai
RDI Certified Consultant, Occupational Therapist
Email: alltogetherotart@gmail.com
Areas Serviced: Taiwan
Learn More About Pei Ling Tsai
Consultants in Training
RDI Consultant in Training, OT
Email: yang_huiju@hotmail.com
Phone: +886 0911859769
Areas Serviced: 台灣台中市南區瑞豐街23號
United Kingdom
Andreja Stefulj
RDI Certified Consultant, Mag. educ.
Email: office@autismconnect.net
Phone: +44 7707527800
Areas Serviced: United Kingdom, Croatia, Serbia, Slovenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Macedonia
Elisa Ferriggi
RDI Certified Consultant, BSc (hons), Dip. Couns.
Email: elisa@thinkautism.co.uk
Phone: 7961027007
Areas Serviced: Peterborough based. UK and international clients
Sharon Sargeant
RDI Certified Consultant, BA (Hons) ChYthStud (Open)
Email: Sharon@autismthinkinginshadesofgrey.co.uk
Phone: 7590489384
Areas Serviced: UK, Europe
Sonya Makhmood
PhD, MBPsS, CPsychol, RDI® Certified Consultant, CEO & Founder of Dr. NeuroAesthetics™️ | Neurodevelopmental Disorders Specialist Consultant BPS Chartered Psychologist | Neuroplastician | Neuro-Behaviour Coach | SEN Expert
Email: dr.sonya.makhmood@gmail.com
Phone: 07475771875
Areas Serviced: UK, Europe, UAE, Middle East and Asia.
United States
CerMary Grace Hoehner
RDI Consultant in Training, M.Ed.
Email: info@liamsway.com
Areas Serviced: Houston, TX and surrounding areas. Remote services available across the United States.
Dr. Rachelle K. Sheely, Ph.D., co-founder of RDI®
RDI Certified Consultant
Email: sheely@rdiconnect.com
Phone: 713-838-1362
Areas Serviced: Houston
Dr. Steven Gutstein, Founder of RDIconnect
RDI Certified Consultant
Email: sheely@rdiconnect.com
Phone: 713-838-1362
Areas Serviced: Houston
Allison McCaskill
RDI Certified Consultant, BA
Email: developingmindstreatmentcenter@gmail.com
Phone: 478-238-4774
Areas Serviced: Georgia
Ayda Pinardag
RDI Certified Consultant
Email: rditexas@gmail.com
Areas Serviced: Greater Houston Area, Turkey
Anat Shemer
RDI Certified Consultant
Email: anatshemerrdi@gmail.com
Phone: 919-3602795
Areas Serviced: Working long distance – any place of the world.
Betty Adkins
RDI Certified Consultant, M.S.
Email: Betty@guidingexceptionalparents.com
Phone: 4433064512
Areas Serviced: Washington, DC metro area, Baltimore, MD metro area, New Orleans, Louisiana metro area
Brooke Wagner
RDI Certified Consultant, M.A.
Email: bwagner@tagforgrowth.com
Phone: 858-689-2027
Areas Serviced: San Diego, Carlsbad, Inland Empire, Long Distance
Carmen Augustin
RDI Certified Consultant, LCSW
Email: caugustin@sweeneyaugustin.com
Phone: 1-847-583-9492 ext. 2 Direct line: 847-865-8307
Areas Serviced: Chicagoland Area
Christine “Kiki” Haddad Zaynoun
RDI Certified Consultant, MPS ATR-BC
Email: khzaynoun@tagforgrowth.com
Phone: 858.689.2027
Areas Serviced: Cairo, EGYPT, San Diego, CA USA
Claudia Perez Andreessen, Director of the RDI Training Program in Mexico, Central & South America, Spain
RDI Certified Consultant, B.A., RDI Professional Trainer
Email: claudia@capaautismconsulting.com
Phone: 8325797780
Areas Serviced: Globally. USA, Mexico, central & south America, Europe (Spain, Switzerland, Italy, France) Texas-Houston and surrounding areas.
Colleen Gangemi
RDI Certified Consultant, M.Ed.
Email: colleengangemi@verizon.net
Phone: 8566736799
Areas Serviced: New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, New York
Dorene Short
RDI Certified Consultant, CA Credentialed Teacher
Email: dorene@independence4autism.com
Phone: (619) 208-0864
Areas Serviced: Greater San Diego Area
Gail Ludwig
RDI Certified Consultant, Speech Language Pathologist
Email: gludwig@tagforgrowth.com
Phone: 858-689-2027
Areas Serviced: Throughout the United States
Heather Benner Ohl
RDI Certified Consultant, MS Special Education-K-12, MAE Curriculum and Instruction
Email: heatherohl@me.com
Phone: 614-203-9767
Areas Serviced: Any
Jennifer Lemke-Pawlak
RDI Certified Consultant, MA
Email: jlemkepawlak.rdi@gmail.com
Phone: 414-708-6976
Areas Serviced: State of Wisconsin and worldwide via videoconferencing
Dr. Jennifer Palmiotto
RDI Certified Consultant, Psy.D., LMFT
Email: info@familyguidanceandtherapy.com
Phone: (619) 600-0683
Areas Serviced: San Diego, Tustin, Petaluma in California, Austin, Tx
Julie G Meyerowitz
RDI Certified Consultant, MS,CCC-SLP
Email: julie.meyerowitz@gmail.com
Phone: 6466529201
Areas Serviced: Northern VA, Maryland, Southern PA
Kathryn Bovino
RDI Certified Consultant, BCBA, LBA
Email: thriveconsultationandtherapy@gmail.com
Phone: 540-993-0896
Areas Serviced:Long Distance/Telehealth Services – Virginia, West Virginia, Maryland, Pennsylvania, and D.C.
Katherine (Kat) Lee
RDI Certified Consultant, B.A., RDI Professional Trainer
Email: kat1216@aol.com
Areas Serviced: Dallas /Fort Work areas, Distance families from all over the world
Kimberly Isaac-Emery
RDI Certified Consultant, M.Sc.
Email: kim@autismwithexcellence.com
Phone: 6024818925
Areas Serviced: Arizona, California, Colorado, Nevada, New Mexico, Texas, Utah, Washington
Kris Worrell
RDI Certified Consultant, OTR/L, SIPT cert.
Email: krisworrell@functionalkids.com
Phone: 6517708884
Areas Serviced: Minnesota, USA
Kristine Mastronardi
RDI Certified Consultant
Email: kris.mastronardi@gmail.com
Phone: (908) 444 – 2745
Areas Serviced: New Jersey
Lauren Conley
RDI Certified Consultant, M.A. CCC-SLP
Email: eskin.20@gmail.com
Phone: 216-469-2787
Areas Serviced: Philadelphia, PA
Linda K. Murphy
RDI Certified Consultant, MS, CCC-SLP
Email: linda@pptfth.com
Phone: 9787120003
Areas Serviced: USA; New England and Boston area.
Lisa D. Maloney
RDI Certified Consultant, MA
Email: lisa@lisadmaloney.com
Areas Serviced: Dallas area; distance family consultation program available to families anywhere in the world
Lisa Palasti , Director of RDI Professional Training in Canada
RDI Certified Consultant, RDI Professional Trainer
Email: lisapalasti@gmail.com
Phone:(941) 202-5490
Areas Serviced: Florida
Lisa Skelly
RDI Certified Consultant
Email: skellyls@sbcglobal.net
Phone: 203-774-0008 ext. 300
Areas Serviced: Any towns/cities in CT
Lizz Ramirez
RDI Certified Consultant, B.A.
Email: lizz@pptfth.com
Phone: 7813500972
Areas Serviced: Boston Area/New England
Maria Stangherlin
RDI Certified Consultant
Email: Mstangherlin@myvoiceourvoice.com
Phone: 202-983-0356
Areas Serviced: Italy, USA (DMV area)
Mary Grace Hoehner
RDI Certified Consultant, M.Ed.
Email: info@liamsway.com
Areas Serviced: Houston, TX and surrounding areas. Remote services available across the United States.
Nicole Edwards
RDI Certified Consultant, MSW, LCSW
Email: nedwards@sweeneyaugustin.com
Phone: (847) 583-9492 ex:8
Areas Serviced: Chicagoland Area
Niina Korkala
RDI Certified Consultant, MSW, LCSW
Email: nkorkala@tagforgrowth.com
Phone: (858) 689-2027
Areas Serviced: United States and Finland
Sarah C. Wayland
RDI Certified Consultant, Ph.D.
Email: info@guidingexceptionalparents.com
Phone: +1 (301) 768-8503
Areas Serviced: Maryland, DC & Northern Virginia (USA)
Shannon Morris
RDI Certified Consultant
Email: shannontmorris@gmail.com
Phone: 4782384774
Areas Serviced: All
Sherri Miller
RDI Certified Consultant, MS, CCC-SLP, Certified & Licensed Speech-Language Pathologist
Email: sherri@communicatingpotential.com
Phone: 4258769018
Areas Serviced: Washington State
Steven Roberts
RDI Certified Consultant
Email: sroberts@tagforgrowth.com
Phone: 858) 689-2027
Areas Serviced: San Diego
Consultants in Training
Jamie Henson
RDI Consultant in Training
Email: jlhzta@gmail.com
Phone: 2145660542
Areas Serviced: Greater San Antonio and New Braunfels
Katie Young
RDI Consultant in Training, NCC, M.Ed.
Email: guidingconnectionsconsulting@gmail.com
Areas Serviced: In person – Pennsylvania, Maryland, New Jersey and Delaware. Virtually – All distance clients welcomed.
Steven Gustein, PhD Founder of RDI®
Rachelle Sheely, PhD. Founder of RDI®
Houston TX 77025
713.838.1362 ext 102
Email Dr. Gutstein and Dr. Sheely
NOTICE: RDIconnect® neither warrants nor guarantees the level of success to be achieved by the application of RDA® or the RDI® Program by any consultant or that the consulting services to families provided by any consultant will be successful at all. RDIconnect® hereby disclaims any and all express and implied warranties, including the Implied Warranty of Fitness for a Particular Purpose, with respect to RDA® and the RDI®. RDA® and the RDI® Program are educational techniques that are subject to ongoing study, refinement and modification by RDIconnect® and whose ultimate efficacy is affected by the training, experience and skill of the professionals applying those techniques.
Grievance Process: RDIconnect® serves as the educational entity that trains and certifies professionals to work with families using our unique programs. Once a consultant is certified, they are private practitioners who recruit and work with clients outside of the scope of our organization. RDIconnect® does not have a direct relationship with these clients* nor do we get involved in the relationship between consultant and client, which is private and confidential. Because of the confidential nature of these relationships, RDIconnect® cannot monitor issues or disputes about billing, scheduling, communication, or any other conflict outside the scope of the consultant’s ethical practices. If you feel that one of our professionals has violated this Standards & Ethics policy, you will need to file a formal written complaint here.