Serena Bian, 边琼霞
RDI® Certified Consultant
Location: 中国 杭州 潮王路225号红石中央大厦 501室, Hangzhou, Zhejiang, 310014, China
Phone: +86 571 88085020 / +86 400 800 7718
Areas Serviced: 面向全中国提供RDI家庭咨询服务。目前已经服务的家庭所在区域为:浙江,上海,北京,南京,安徽,山东,山西,西安,四川,湖南,广东,海南,福建等。
Areas within China. Zhejiang, Shanghai, Beijing, Nanjing, Anhui, Shandong, Shanxi, Xian, Sichuang, Hunan, Guangdong, Hainan, Fujian.
Languages: 汉语Mandarin /英语English
About 边琼霞
医学专业背景,从事临床工作多年,2005年创立雅恩,是国内较早为言语沟通障碍儿童服务的专业机构。目前,雅恩的服务中心分布于7大城市:杭州,上海,北京,深圳,南京,苏州,成都。十四年来积累了大量言语沟通障碍,自闭症谱系障碍儿童的干预经验。2015年获得RDI认证咨询顾问资格,迄今为止本人已为上百个家庭提供RDI专业咨询服务,并见证了众多家庭的改变和成长。除了个人奉行和实践原汁原味的RDI系统,还培育并推荐4名RDI实习顾问,其中2名已获得认证资格。雅恩自2017年组建专业的RDI咨询顾问团队,目前拥有中国国内人数最多,力量最强的RDI 咨询顾问团队,为有需求的家庭提供线上、线下、一对一或小组式服务。
With medicine background, I have Medicine Master degree, and work as a doctor in a large hospital in Hangzhou. I founded Young Education Consultant, co., Ltd in 2005, which provides service to speech and communication disorder children of 2-6 age, and their parents. Now there are 15 clinics in 7 cities in China: Hangzhou, Shanghai, Beijing, Shenzhen, Nanjing, Suzhou, Chengdu.
After 14 years working with special needs children, I have large case load and accumulated experience of intervention for speech disabilities and autism spectrum disorder. I was certified as RDI consultant in 2015, I have provided RDI FCP to more than 100 families, and have witnessed great changes in these families with RDI. I maintain continuous study and practice of authentic RDI in the past 4 years, and recommended 4 RDI CITs, 2 have got certification as RDI consultants.
My company has an 8 people team of RDI consultants, including 6 RDI certified consultants and 2 CITs, which is the largest RDI team in China. We provide on line and face to face RDI consultation for families.