Kata Boros M.A. Psychology
RDI® Certified Consultant
Location: Hungary
Phone: 0036306774286
Areas Serviced: Hungary in person, Internationally online
Languages: Hungarian, English, French
Works at a Distance
About Kata
I received my Master’s degree in Psychology in 2009 from Eötvös Loránd University in Budapest. During my studies I worked for 3 years as a volunteer in an association for children and teens on the autism spectrum what had a big impact on me. During the university years I also became an autogenic training practitioner. Learning a relaxation technique gave me a good base for my further studies. Later I started to learn katathym imaginative psychoterapy (KIP), what I incorporate in my work with children and adults aswell.
After my graduation I worked for 3 years in a children’s home in Budapest, where I helped children in 1 to 1 sessions, in group approaches and supported their caregivers. Working in a children’s home has been both emotionally demanding, professionally challenging and very enriching in terms of experiences. I could have the chance to spend a lot of time with children and teens with difficult (or no) family background and learn a lot from them. I could witness how ”the first relationship” and attachment has an enormous impact on our lives, and building a trustful relationship is the essence of any therapy. During these years I completed a method-specific training in Integrative Child Therapy (2012) that allows me to use a very rich toolbox in my everyday work and understand each child in her/his own ”social world”.
After some years of travelling and volunteering in Europe and Mexico and becoming a mother myself, I returned to my therapeutic work enriched with multicultural experiences. I am currently (since 2018) serving as a private practitioner, working with a broad spectrum of clients. In my private practice I offer play-based integrative child therapy, parent consultations, psychological counseling for adults, RDI® for families raising neurodivergent children, support group for parents with children and teens on the autism spectrum and a supportive community for teens and young adults with ASD.
I received my RDI certification in 2023 and I am very passionate about applying RDI in my work. I am striving to understand each individual/family in their unique bio-psycho-social being and support them in their personal and interpersonal growth.