Lisa Palasti, Director of RDI Professional Training in Canada

RDI® Certified Consultant

Location in Canada: Kitchener, Ontario.
Location in USA: Venice, Florida.

Phone in Canada: 5195755323
Phone in USA: (941) 202-5490

Areas Serviced: Canada, USA, Europe

Languages: English


Works at a Distance

About Lisa

Lisa Palasti is the founder of Mindful Guide Consulting, Director of RDI© Professional Training in Canada, Certified RDI consultant and most importantly an RDI parent. She has the tremendous pleasure of working with families locally and all over the world, as well as training professionals to become Certified RDI© Consultants. These days she divides her time between SW Ontario and SW Florida. Working at a distance virtually with families who might not otherwise access supports is also extremely satisfying and effective.

Lisa and her husband raised their now adult children with the principals of RDI and have witnessed firsthand the incredible growth and well-being that they have both achieved. Her boys inspire her every day! She is passionate about instilling hope and educating others about RDI©.

Lisa offers free consultations for families and professionals who want to learn more and decide if RDI© is right for them. Sign up for her newsletter at or schedule a call with her by emailing

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