Renee Dela Cruz

RDI® Certified Consultant, Registered Psychologist

Location: Warragul, Victoria, Australia

Phone: 1300 737 124

Areas Serviced: Cities/areas: Metro Melbourne, South East Melbourne and Regional Victoria (Gippsland and Bass Coast regions, Bendigo to Macedon regions); International outreach services: Vietnam and Philippines

Languages: English


Works at a Distance

About Renee

RDI® Program Certified Consultant: Registered Psychologist

BA (Human Services): Post Grad dip in Psychology: Specialist Certificate in Criminology (Forensic Disability): MAPS

Renee is an experienced psychologist with a passion for improving the quality of life of individuals with a disability. She has spent the last 20 years working with infants, children, adolescence and adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) delivering evidence-based behavioural, relationship and developmental interventions. Renee has been a certified RDI® Consultant for over 10 years and combines her knowledge as a psychologist with her passion for parent based intervention and guiding. Renee provides intervention services that are designed to enhance functioning and quality of life for both the individual and their family. She assists families to move from diagnosis to active remediation, implementing intervention plans that are tailored to the individuals and families needs.

Renee has extensive experience working as a senior and principal practitioner within the pubic, not-for-profit and private sectors providing functional behaviour assessments, comprehensive behaviour support plans and implementing positive behaviour supports to manage and decrease complex behaviours of concern. Renee assists families to understand behaviour and build relationships to guide individuals with Autism to reach their full potential. She is a passionate advocate and believes that all individuals have the right to access high quality intervention services and support. Renee provides support to families all over her home state of Victoria (Australia) and provides a a travelling psychologist outreach service to families in regional, remote and rural areas which has included extending outreach services to families in Vietnam.

Renee often shares her knowledge and expertise through presenting at international conferences (XI Autism-Europe International Congress: APAC: Redefining Autism Online Summit, World Autism Organisation International Congress), giving TED like talks and providing educational seminars and workshops to paediatricians, health professionals, schools and parents.

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