Febri Sidjaja, PhD.
RDI® Certified Consultant
Location: West Jakarta, DKI Jakarta, Indonesia
Phone: +6287881367471
Areas Serviced: Home visit : Great Jakarta area; Online services : any areas with strong internet connection
Languages: Bahasa Indonesia and English
About Febri
After receiving her Masters in Child Clinical Psychology from University of Indonesia in 2007, Fransisca Febriana Sidjaja (Febri) worked as a child psychologist and lecturer in Jakarta, Indonesia. In 2010, she was awarded with Australian Leadership Award Scholarship and in 2015 she completed her doctoral study at the University of Queensland, Australia. Her thesis was awarded with 2015 Dean’s Award for Outstanding Research Higher Degree Theses and during her candidature, she has presented her work at two international conferences and at colloquies at international universities in Korea and Japan.
Currently, besides working as a lecturer and child psychologist, Febri works as Parent Consultant at Catch Clinic Indonesia, a family service agency, founded by Maisie Soetantyo, M.Ed that applies Relationship Development Intervention in treating children with Autism and other disabilities.