It’s possible to reform a Guiding Relationship with children diagnosed with autism, leading to growth-seeking and many more benefits.
Learn more with Dr Sheely
Feeling anxious, especially when beginning autism remediation, is common among both children and their parents, but anxiety can have a positive side. It can often make us more responsive and more creative.
What makes us human is the product of our orientation and our engagement with a dynamic variation. So how does this fit into a world where you are resistant to change? How can you help your child, without overwhelming or stressing them out, see the world as something to be discovered and experienced?
Dr. Steven Gutstein continues his examination of the link between autism and suicide in part 2 of his podcast.
Why the suicide rate is higher for children and adults with an autism diagnosis and what we can do to help them.
Welcome back to ASD: A New Perspective, the podcast show where we help you understand what is going on in the mind of your child, and we do encourage you that growth for your child is possible. I’m Kat Lee, and in this podcast, Dr. Gutstein continues his conversation with us about adapting and reminds us that it is so important for both parents and professionals to know of the value of adapting for our children.
How do we help our children learn how to change when things aren’t working for them? Welcome to ASD: A New Perspective, RDIconnect’s own podcast show! In this month’s episode, Dr. Gutstein talks to us about the importance of adapting and how to help our kids with autism embrace change.
We need to teach children to reflect and you know, that’s so much a part of our program to be able to bookmark something, maybe something that doesn’t work or maybe something that does work. We have a whole lot of work on that.
Dr. Gutstein breaks down the complexities of Theory of Mind.