Na Li(Elena),李娜

RDI® Certified Consultant

Location: Sichuan, China

Phone: 0086-13808059621

Areas Serviced: China; 面向全中国提供RDI家庭咨询服务

Languages: 汉语Mandarin /英语English


Works at a Distance

WeChat微信号: Elena-rdi

About Na Li(Elena),李娜

RDI certification consultant.
I have a master’s degree and have been engaged in front-line education and training for a long time.
At the same time, I am also the mother of an autistic child. It was RDI that changed me and my son and brought happiness and hope to our family. My child have gone from being seldom talking, rigid, hardly looking at others and avoiding socializing, to being able to actively observe and communicate, learn to make friends and share, and go to school like NT children. These changes surprised our whole family.
As a RDI consultant, I hope to provide RDI counseling services to more Chinese families and witness the great changes RDI brings to these families.

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