An Interview with Kamini Lakhani by Parenting Autism India

by | Dec 18, 2017 | RDI® News

Today, we feature an interview by Parenting Autism India, with Kamini Lakhani, an RDI consultant and director of SAI center for Autistic children in Mumbai.

Kamini’s determined journey began 25 years ago, after her son Mohit was diagnosed with Austism. Her path involves several years of training, including a workshop in Houston with Dr. Gutstein, the founder of RDI®, and an embarkment with her first consultant, Joyce Albu.

In the interview, Kamini explains how she was a large part of opening RDI Professional Training up to Professionals and Parents in India and the Middle East, “We then started SAI Connections – a center to provide RDI services to families. Soon after I was appointed Director for RDI Professional Training Services in India and the Middle East. Interested Professionals and Parents can become RDI Consultants in India itself. They need not travel to the US any more.”

Read more about Kamini’s journey, her book, and her tips for increasing dynamic thinking and implementing RDI in the interview here.


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