What we find is that through that more deliberative process of bookmarking, reviewing, constructing, saving, organizing…we also strengthen that encouragement to intuitively recognize something when we see it.
What we find is that through that more deliberative process of bookmarking, reviewing, constructing, saving, organizing…we also strengthen that encouragement to intuitively recognize something when we see it.
When the foundations of Dynamic Intelligence are set in place, the child begins to use their mind as a very powerful tool.
This idea of independence is one that we sometimes skirt because we get caught up in the daily routine of the things that we’re teaching or the things that we’re doing, or I think we get caught up in avoiding it because we worry about it so much. We’re afraid to face it.
Dr. Sheely discusses the value of parents in developing a child’s sense of self.
Because your role has become the role of a compensator and not a guide, you start compensating for more and more things and sometimes children grow past the need for compensation.
The main obstacle if you’re a parent is that your child is not coming to you with the excitement, the motivation to grow. But RDI can help.
Age or growth. What is the most important thing to look at when evaluating progress?
Dr. Gutsein continues his series, The Heart of RDI®
Dr. Gutstein continues his talk on “The Heart of RDI®”
Parents, Anxiety and the Guiding Relationship