Why Failure and Why Creativity

by | May 14, 2014 | Rachelle's Corner

For the past two weeks, I have focused my blog on the importance of failure in the development of creativity. This week ends the series by referring back to the Goals and Objectives in the Family Consultation Program.

“Scientists have found that our ability to remain engaged, despite the experience of uncertainty is primarily responsible for the growth of higher level neural functioning and neural integration.” – an excerpt from RDI’s Student Goals.

Understanding the neurological fueling of autism, RDI has positioned its objectives to directly respond to what the scientists have learned, that the brain’s of infants respond to their shared experiences with others. To mention various researchers that have influenced the development of RDI: Vygotsky, Hobson and Rogoff, the sharing an experience requires that the guide, guide. This happens by moving the apprentice forward carefully, structuring for growth and allowing for small failures. Competence stems from the mater parent’s desire and ability to grow and nurture their child.


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