
Do You Feel Left Out of Your Child’s Therapy?

The title art for the RDIconnect podcast "Autism: A New Perspective." The subtitle reads "The podcast show to understand what's going on in the mind of your child and encourage you that growth IS possible! Hosted by RDI Certified Consultant Kat Lee."
Autism: A New Perspective
Do You Feel Left Out of Your Child's Therapy?

In RDI, we really believe in parents and we also believe that there is a developmental structure inherent in the way children are raised worldwide. And that just because that’s difficult for parents who have a child on the spectrum, it doesn’t mean it’s impossible.

The Future and Dynamic Intelligence

The title art for the RDIconnect podcast "Autism: A New Perspective." The subtitle reads "The podcast show to understand what's going on in the mind of your child and encourage you that growth IS possible! Hosted by RDI Certified Consultant Kat Lee."
Autism: A New Perspective
The Future and Dynamic Intelligence

Dr. Gutstein talks research, dynamic intelligence and going into the future.


The title art for the RDIconnect podcast "Autism: A New Perspective." The subtitle reads "The podcast show to understand what's going on in the mind of your child and encourage you that growth IS possible! Hosted by RDI Certified Consultant Kat Lee."
Autism: A New Perspective

I haven’t found one paper written, and I’ve read everything, that talks about the potential for remediation of these areas: of neural remediation, of psychosocial remediation. Not one. It’s all about can we teach people other ways of functioning, or just neglecting it completely and not even thinking about it.

More than Social Skills!

The title art for the RDIconnect podcast "Autism: A New Perspective." The subtitle reads "The podcast show to understand what's going on in the mind of your child and encourage you that growth IS possible! Hosted by RDI Certified Consultant Kat Lee."
Autism: A New Perspective
More than Social Skills!

There’s still an implicit assumption that people with Autism have to fake it, or that if you just get them to behave a certain way, that that’s a sign of great progress. We have to change it.

We’re NOT Teaching Skills

The title art for the RDIconnect podcast "Autism: A New Perspective." The subtitle reads "The podcast show to understand what's going on in the mind of your child and encourage you that growth IS possible! Hosted by RDI Certified Consultant Kat Lee."
Autism: A New Perspective
We're NOT Teaching Skills

Dr. Steven Gutstein explains how the RDI Model doesn’t teach skills, but improves the brain’s ability to function in a way that leads to more successful outcomes.

High Expectations

The title art for the RDIconnect podcast "Autism: A New Perspective." The subtitle reads "The podcast show to understand what's going on in the mind of your child and encourage you that growth IS possible! Hosted by RDI Certified Consultant Kat Lee."
Autism: A New Perspective
High Expectations

Dr. Gutstein talks about the importance of placing high expectations on our children in order to see growth.

Hope for Children of ALL Ages

The title art for the RDIconnect podcast "Autism: A New Perspective." The subtitle reads "The podcast show to understand what's going on in the mind of your child and encourage you that growth IS possible! Hosted by RDI Certified Consultant Kat Lee."
Autism: A New Perspective
Hope for Children of ALL Ages

Is there a time when treatment for autism is no longer viable?

Dynamic Intelligence in Autism Treatment

The title art for the RDIconnect podcast "Autism: A New Perspective." The subtitle reads "The podcast show to understand what's going on in the mind of your child and encourage you that growth IS possible! Hosted by RDI Certified Consultant Kat Lee."
Autism: A New Perspective
Dynamic Intelligence in Autism Treatment

How does Dynamic Intelligence help in treating autism?

The Great Divide in Autism Treatment

The title art for the RDIconnect podcast "Autism: A New Perspective." The subtitle reads "The podcast show to understand what's going on in the mind of your child and encourage you that growth IS possible! Hosted by RDI Certified Consultant Kat Lee."
Dr. Gutstein
The Great Divide in Autism Treatment

This week, Dr. Gutstein explains the divide existing between autism research and clinical intervention.

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