Father’s Day
A Father balances safety and challenge as he teaches his daughter to sail.
In his seminal work on the guiding relationship, Dr. Gutstein speaks about the serious responsibilities related to guiding. Not only is information important, safety vital but knowledge must be transmitted “to develop the types of mental processes necessary for future success”. Thus, while guiding does not negate the importance of instruction, it recognizes that good guiding is more than covering content. A baseline of good guiding sets the state for the apprentice to be able to think, integrate and create.
Following is an example of good guiding. As she speaks of her father teaching her to sail, Pilar Sievers, a Speech Therapist from Chile, describes a superbly scaffolded and exquisitely framed series of sailing expeditions with her father. Begun by feeling the direction of the wind on her face as she sat on the dock, Pilar eventually became a competitive sailor. It is a heartwarming recount of a special relationship between father and daughter.
Pilar is currently working on the completion of certification as an RDI™ Consultant.
Thank you very much.