Why RDI® Emphasizes the Guiding Relationship

When infants who go on to be diagnosed with autism do not contribute sufficient energy to their relationship, parents, no matter how motivated or proficient they are, are unable to guide and their relationship cannot develop in a normal manner. The Guiding Relationship helps a child develop the tools that will carry them through their life. RDI® helps to re-establish this relationship.

Partnering with Your Child

For some parents, a partnership – where both parties have authentic roles in a meaningful task, activity, or project – with their child may come naturally, for others, it may feel challenging at first. I encourage you to partner with your child at least 10 times per day, everyday. It will get easier and you can start out small and always build on your successes in length of time you are partnering or ways in which you partner.

Meet Your Kids Where They Are

Children have good days and bad days, just like the rest of us. Variability is a normal part of the human experience. Just because your child could do it yesterday doesn’t mean he can do it today. We all have good days and bad days. So does your child.

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