RDI® Consultant Training FAQ’s

by | Jul 18, 2014 | Professionals, RDI® News

Have you been thinking about training to become an RDI® Certified Consultant?

Becoming a consultant can open up doors for you professionally, but it’s more than that.

Learning how to help families guide their children to success, happiness, and independence is a transformational experience.

If you’re not sure that the RDI® training program is right for you, we’ve outlined a few common concerns we hear from potential applicants.

Frequently Asked Questions About the RDI® Professional Training Program

Will Training Be Very Expensive?

No! We want everyone to have the opportunity to be a consultant so not only do we offer a few scholarships every course, we also have very flexible payment plans.

Will Training Take Up a Lot of My Time?

with hybrid training, you do half the training online for a few hours a week.

This new schedule also keeps the time away from work and family to a minimum.

Is Training Hard?

It doesn’t have to be! Along with our amazing and supportive professional community, we are here to help you every step of the way and beyond.

We have no time restraints, so you can work on your certification as it fits into your schedule.

Do I Have to Have a Background in Psychology?

Not at all.

We have consultants with degrees from every field imaginable. I

f you are passionate about helping people, we will help you get to where you want to be.

How Will I Find Families To Help For My Practice?

Along with our professional training, we also train you how to market yourself as a professional, and have many seasoned mentors to help guide your own practice, and even connect you with job opportunities.

Here are a few moments that consultants have shared with us about their experience with RDI®

“Just recently in a family session, a child was given the clue of Buddy to find a hidden object. (The Buddy in this case referred to the Buddy Walkers in the corner of the room.) He thought a moment and then sat next to me.”

– Carmen Augustin, M.S.W., L.C.S.W. and RDI® Certified Consultant

“One time that comes to mind is a parent who has had such a hard time slowing down and leaving behind a constant state of panic about her daughter’s developmental gap. After working with her for over a year and a half, she excitedly reported that she has decided to take on yoga, gone to the movies, and best of all, her friends reported that she has transformed into a much more enjoyable person to be around! RDI helps us to change for our children!”

 – Maisie Soetantyo, Therapist, mother, Certified RDI® Consultant

“When I heard from a parent that the family had just been out for lunch at a restaurant for the first time with all the family, both parents and all three children. That was a first time in 5 years that they had been able to do that! One of their older children remarked that ‘it was fun to all go out together, can we do it again?’ ”

 – Prue Watson, Occupational Therapist, Certified RDI® Consultant

“I love that I get to share what I have learned with my own two boys (now 17 and 13) and share in many other families’ lives as we walk together. I’ve never met more committed parents and it’s joyful to be able to share in the experiences as they see progress with their children! Competence and success is addicting!

Kathy Darrow, Mother of four, certified RDI® consultant

“RDI is a family program and the lives that are changed by parent empowerment  motivates me every day. When parents feel empowered, their children benefit. “

– Kat Lee, parent, certified RDI® consultant

“If you are interested in empowering parents to make a difference in the lives of their children, teens and adults with autism and in turn, making a difference in yourself, then do it. It is hard rewarding work. I am a more effective therapist, a better mom, a better oma (grandma) and a better friend because of my RDI® journey”.

 – An RDI® Consultant, and grandma

If you would like more information about the Professional Training Program, click here.

If you are ready to apply for the RDI Certification program please contact us at Professionals@rdiconnect.com.


  1. Regina

    Are there any more scholarships available for the online training? I would love to become an RDI professional but don’t have the funds at this time.

  2. Jason Alvarado

    Hi Regina, My name is Jason, I work with the RDI Professionals, I would like to speak with you more about the RDI program and the availability of scholarship, please email me at Alvarado@rdiconnect.com

  3. Rachelle Sheely

    Dear Harvey,
    I have been hoping someone from Kuwait would be able to offer RDI to families. Also, I see that you have a little boy on the spectrum. I would love to skype with you about how we might partner for both of these things. Dr.Sheely sheely@rdiconnect.com

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