If you’re a therapist, social worker or another specialist who works with children, you will eventually find yourself working with a child on the autism spectrum. If you lack experience with autism, it can be intimidating, and you may not be sure of what to expect or how to be effective. Even when you are eager to learn, the latest scientific knowledge and best practices are not always easy to access or understand, leaving you to rely on common stereotypes or old, cliched models.
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Choosing an Advanced Autism Certification
If you’re an autism professional or aspiring autism professional, you might be considering an advanced autism certification. An advanced certification can help you to accelerate your career growth, but there are so many choices available; how do you know which certification is the right one for you?
Parent Involvement in Autism Treatment Models
If you’re a speech language pathologist, occupational therapist or other professional who works with children, there can sometimes be barriers to helping your clients meet their goals. One is a lack of parent involvement.
What Makes an Autism Intervention “Effective”?
Our understanding of autism spectrum disorder and how to approach it has changed tremendously over the years. We now know that people who have neurodevelopmental differences like autism simply think and function a little differently than the rest of the population.
Using RDI® To Address Behavior Issues in the Classroom
In this video, I discuss a case study about using RDI® to address behavior issues at school. I’ve been working with this particular family for about 17 years, so I’m very familiar with the child and his history. Over the years, I’ve had the opportunity to observe the student in the classroom several times, either in-person or through video review or a live Zoom feed. In one instance, I was asked to observe some video taken in the classroom to look for a potential bullying situation.
Non-ABA SLP Techniques To Implement With an Autistic Client
While speech is a very helpful skill to have, it’s not the be-all and end-all of communication. It’s better for someone to be nonverbal and truly communicate with others through other methods, rather than being able to speak, but not able to participate in reciprocal communication.
Treating Language Delays or Disorders in Autistic Children
We believe that using RDI® as the foundation for the treatment of autistic language delays and disorders in your practice encourages growth and forward motion and in the child. In the RDIconnect podcast episode, “RDI and Non-Verbal Children,” a discussion between Kat Lee and Dr. Rachelle Sheely illustrates how our model approaches communication first, and how other treatments miss that important factor.
Setting up the Most Effective Program for Our Children
It took me years to learn that it’s easy to make a child ‘do something’. The difficulty lies in awakening the spirit in them to want to do things on their own.
RDI® Consultants Bring Hope
It’s easy to give up after an autism diagnosis. Here is one parent’s story of how RDI® gave them back hope.
The Concept of Spotlighting
The aim is to encode a memory of being a competent decision maker…
Our Focus on Training Professionals
RDI is exploding around the world and we know we must keep up and adapt our training for different cultures and languages.
Scientist’s Conclusions Affirm RDI®’s Approach
This scientist’s suggestions about how to treat ASD children that are consistent with what we do in RDI.
Elevator Speeches: Explaining RDI® in Simple Language
Do you ever feel you have trouble explaining RDI concisely and simply? Here are a few elevator speeches from RDI consultants that they use when they need to describe our programs in a hurry.
RDI® Consultant Training FAQ’s
Along with our amazing and supportive professional community, we are here to help you every step of the way and beyond.