The following article was re-posted with permission from SAIconnection's blog and was written by RDI® Certified Consultant Kamini Lakhani. Many parents ask if RDI is only for autistic individuals....
Family Stories
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RDI® for Dads
Learning how to guide your child with RDI® – like any skill – takes practice. When you take the time and effort to learn, practice, and implement the skills needed to guide your child, you, your child, and your entire family will reap the benefits.
Mohit The Artist
In every generation an artist comes along whose expression pushes the evolutionary aesthetic curve. Meet Mohit and watch Mohit paint. His fascination with internal landscapes expresses a powerful...
Holidays & Autism
You can expect your holidays to have positive outcomes and produce beautiful memories when you are mentally prepared, and especially when you do not put too much pressure on yourself.
How this Mother Built an Incredible Bond With Her Child and Discovered His Potential
Discover your inner truths as a mother.
RDI® Made My Family a Real Team
RDI brought this family back together.
The Cook’s Assistant
Nick is going through a stubborn teenager phrase. He only wants to do what he wants to do. When invited to join me in some form of interaction, he makes the sign for ‘finished’ quicker than you can say, “let’s…..”
Keeping it Simple
Thinking up planned engagements doesn’t have to be hard work.
Letters Between a Non Speaking Autistic and Apraxic Boy and His Neurotypical Therapist
Alfonso is non-speaking, but he has a lot to say. The world needs to listen and learn from this young man’s wise and whole-hearted way of living.
14 Days with My Special Child
Here is another success story about conquering the challenges of autism…
Laughing with RDI
Give a boy a water pistol and he knows exactly what to do with it! Not so with my Nick.
Amazing Progress with RDI
While it is thrilling to see how much he knows, it pales in comparison to what he now shares…how he FEELS!
From Son-Rise to RDI
Making the change to RDI, saved their family.
My Life with RDI
Learn how RDI changed the life of this young man.
How Autism Transformed Our Family
I found Mohit and more importantly, he found himself.
Our Journey Towards Real Communication
Shifting the focus of communication, gave this mother back her relationship with her son.
RDI Transforms Lives
One parent’s story of how RDI transformed their son’s life.
Surviving the Holidays RDI Style
One parent’s story on how they survive the holidays
RDI Creates Relationship
One mom’s story about how RDI restored relationship with her son.
RDI Restores Confidence
One mother´s story of how the RDI program has given her daughter confidence and freedom
Mindful Parenting Saved Our Family
As we foray into this exciting arena of Mindful Parenting, it’s difficult, different, and much more deliberate as compared to other ways; but it is equally delightful.
The Road to Dynamic Thinking
One mom´s story of Dynamic Thinking in action.
My Son is Thriving with RDI
The RDI program has turned her son’s life upside down.
Slowing Down with RDI
One family’s story on how slowing down, helped them to speed up.
Empowering Parents Through RDI
One family’s story about how RDI gave them back their life.
100 Improvements Since RDI
One mom shares the 100 ways RDI has helped her son.
RDI Families Share: Dr. Audrey Todd
Audrey Todd, PhD. shares about her journey with her autistic, non-verbal son.
Building Precious Moments
Our lives are changing and we are able to notice that we are more relaxed.
Not too long ago, my (soon to be eight year old) son said he wanted to earn money…
A Dad Finds Hope with RDI
For roughly 4 hours, I completely forgot that I had two special needs kiddos…Read this dad’s story on how RDI turned his family around.
RDI From A Mother’s Perspective
RDI is NOT a therapy.
Recognizing Resiliency
By reflecting on these small successes, parents also build resiliency AND motivation to continue on their paths.
Making Decisions
Decisions like this are often made irrationally, only using the emotional aspect of the brain…
The Joys of the Classic Paper Route
While he cannot tell me through speech that he feels proud of himself, it is clear to me from his actions…
Progress Made Because of RDI
Before we started on RDI, Nat was afraid of new environments.
My Teenage Son
The following was shared by RDI mom, Bernadette Z. who works with consultant, Paulette Cormier I first met our RDI consultant when I was feeling somewhat lost with how to help my 16-year-old son...
A Relationship with My Daughter
A long time ago, Anna never said or called me mom. Now I can happily say, there is not a day that goes by that I do not hear her call me mom.
Gaining Independence
Read one young autistic man’s speech about how he found independence in his life and how RDI® helped.
How RDI Changed our Lives
RDI has changed the lives of hundreds of families dealing with autism. Hear the story of Sharon, one mom who trusted RDI to help her daughter.